I will give you a 12 month tarot card reading in 24 hours

Do you want to know what is coming up for you in the next 12
months? Take a look into the next year with an accurate 12 month
tarot card reading. I will draw 13 cards in total – The first
card drawn will be the card that is the main focus of the year.
Each individual card drawn after will represent the month in
which it is placed.
To ensure i can give you an accurate reading i require you to
provide your name so that i am able to focus my energies solely
on you.
My readings are predominantly driven by my own intuition. I use
tarot cards as a foundation in which i can base my intuition on.
I believe in it's important to use my natural gift and share it
with others. I look forward to working with you.

mikomi18:Quick reading . I like the fact that it’s honest . Lot of work for me this year though :p.
star_dustxo:Ambalika is a joy to work with. A genuine buyer.
kelandu:thank you for the reading. it was based on a 12 month out look. I hope some of it comes true haha, and the other things i will take as guidance and be prepared for. thank you.
star_dustxo:I really enjoyed doing a reading for Kelly. She is a genuine buyer and a pleasure to work with.
taylordv99:Quick and easy! :)

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