I will do 2 Past Life Reading and Healing 40 Minutes reading + 2 Exercises

Fiverr Ninjas:
If you are having issues in just about any area of your life, it can be due to a past life issue. I call it a Karmic Hangover. Sometimes in life there are people we can’t always get complete with, like some ex’s that keep showing up. Also sometimes there are phantom pains that are not explained. When there is a lot of bad luck, money issues and more, that can indicate a past life issue. Much of this can be resolved with Past Life Healing.
I will do a Professional Past Life Reading and Healing. This works Great on:
- Health
- Money/Financial
- Your Life Mission
- Your Business
- Your Future
- Relationships
- Love/Romance
- Job/Career
- Pets
- Health
- Future Events
- Emotional Issues
- Your Goals
And More…
As Part of the Professional Past Life Reading & Healing:
I will pray for your Success, plus, I will raise your Frequency & Vibration.
No Risk 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!!!
*Check out my Gig Extras, Gig Packages for even MORE Healing!!
*If you need immediate help, click the EXPRESS OPTION, 24 hr turnaround.
*Only 1 Gig per issue, that you want healed.
Many Blessings,

theonly10ic:This was very interesting.
psychic101:Happy to help!\r\nGod Bless,\r\nMichael
mshear:Order delivered earlier than deadline and included a lot of details that resonated with me.
psychic101:Thanks for your kind words.\r\nGod Bless You,\r\nMichael
nikkiinvestor:Thanks so much Michael, looking forward to the healing :)

Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Contact him today via E-mail:(babatundesolutioncentre1@ gmail. com) OR call him or whatsapp him +2348143581382 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE