I will provide a tarot reading on your career

Are you looking for a little advice on which direction to take your career? Want to know what's required for you to get that promotion?Example Questions:
"Will water cooler gossip destroy my career?"
"Why does (this person) dislike me?"
"I have options within my chosen field, what career path should I choose?"
"Can you give me general advice for the next few months?"
Please don't ask yes or no questions involving pregnancy, health, or death.
My goal is to offer you advice that will help you make the best possible decision about your career and maybe some insight that improves your life. I do not read tarot to predict the future.
I have three decks from which you may choose: Native American Tarot, Witches Tarot, and The Good Tarot. Please let me know which deck you prefer for your reading.
**Revisions - I will pull an additional card for clarity.


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