I will provide angel oracle reading

I am a certified Angel Oracle card reader. Let me help you!I can provide guidance on relationships, finances, life direction, enhancing self-confidence, and so much more. I can even provide guidance to your pets and business!
3 cards/1 question OR 1 Day:
3 cards will be chosen with guidance from the Angels and help from the Oracle deck. This will cover any 1 question, OR 1 day of the month (you may choose the day, or have an intuitive cast for any day in the month).
3 card/1 month:
3 cards will be chosen to cover the entire month (you may choose the upcoming month; or have it done from date of service to the next month).
4 card/yearly:
4 card will be chosen to cover your entire year (you may choose the date the year begins on, or have it begin on date of service. This will break down into 1 card for each season.
You will receive a .pdf with your Oracle reading and any messages that come forward for you.
"How do these readings work?"
The Oracle deck provides guidance for your forecasted date. Just remember that the future is always changing based on your current and upcoming decisions! Nothing is set in stone.
Questions? Message me!

sunny814:A very lovely and professional reading. Beautiful photos of the cards pulled. Detailed indepth reading. A great person and purchase. Highly recommend for others feeling the need for an angel oracle reading. You will be happy you purchased.
sunny814:A very lovely and professional reading. Beautiful photos of the cards pulled. Detailed indepth reading. A great person and purchase. Highly recommend for others feeling the need for an angel oracle reading. You will be happy you purchased.

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