I will do a non sugar coated tarot reading

Tarot reading offers 'valuable insights' that one can apply to work on 'changing the future'. It is based on the idea that 'future is never etched on the stone and can be changed by our efforts'. Having said that, I will do a 'non sugar coated tarot reading'. It is very important to tell people what the likely outcomes are and they can work on the 'best outcome they desire'. At the same time, it is also important to guide with the 'insight the cards talk about' (they are always accurate) and possibly conclude with the 'affirmations people can work on'. I have 3 offers here, the basic subscription is a 3 card reading, the standard one is with 5-7 cards (which is more detailed) and the premium reading is 5-7 card reading with an angel card reading guidance. With whatever reading you subscribe to, I will give you 'affirmations that you could work on'.Besides this, you can also subscribe to the weekly guidance with 2 cards (5$), monthly guidance of 5 cards (10$)
I have been very intuitive and was reading for my family and friends, so far. They suggested me to start giving my services to the global audience and help them with their answers.


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