I will cast an extremely powerful kabbalah spell which will make your wish come true

Welcome to another one of my gigs,This is a very powerful wish spell, this spell is cast in the presence of your wish and will help make it come true.
This is a very powerful spell and has been used in my bloodline for many generations.
This is 2 ways people use this gig:
- Good Intent
- Bad Intent
You can use this gig for both of these. Good intent wish spells are fine to cast for anyone with no real negative impacts. A bad intent spell usually creates bad karma for an individual, which can be taken away with a karma spell.
Note: With all my gigs i issue a warning. All spells cast are EXTREMELY powerful and play with real life forces and factors. You should make sure you know what you are doing before ordering this gig, and getting me to cast your wish spell.

nakulpapreja:hoping for best results
princessgirl87:Very quick! I'm excited to see the results!\nThanks again! ^-^
aliansa54:In gratitude!
aliansa54:In gratitude!
victoriousv4u:Thanks for the share and I will do the work.

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