I will do a consultation about your future

Astrology is a science, the life processes on Earth displays according to the celestial position and movement. Through this you can understand yourself and your connection with the world around you. Astrology focuses on three tasks - global cognition, event forecasting and astrological map interpretation associates celestial position and movement of the people. All troubles, sorrows, misfortunes, illnesses, sufferings arise from human errors that he does all the time because he does not follow his true nature, does not know himself and does not know his tasks in this life. Astrology helps a person to understand himself, his associates, events and shows a way to become a guide. The basis of human health is a sufficient amount of psychic energy and its proper circulation. Health is first of all the right behavior and a high level of mental development. A person can be protected from diseases, ecstasy, and joyous condition.
Provide the
following details-
1- Name
2- Gender
3- Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
4- Time of Birth (in 24 hours clock format)
5- Place of Birth (City/Town+State+Country) [You may also provide the co-ordinates of your
birth place]


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