I will become your Friend, Philosopher and Guide through your Journey of life."

Hi, Presenting life changing gig after 12 years of experience in Astrology Teaching and reading charts. Special Offer detailed Premium report in just 10$!!
Technics used-
Vedic Astrology
Jaimini Astrology
Nakshatra details
Horary Astrology ( In few cases)
Pai paddhati nakshatra Map chart
Also considered....
Transits & Vimshottari Mahadasha
For meeting time with partner or your love, please order extra gig..
Premium Gig Service-
Timing + Personality + Nature and physique of spouse + Status + Direction + Color + Meeting place and time + Sexual compatibility(Yeah,Its important to know) + FIRST LETTER OF SPOUSE+ Zodiac sign + Wealth status + Whether spouse will be lucky for you or not? + Mediator person in love/marriage + Changes in life after entry of spouse + Caring spouse or not
Live Skype consultation Available, Message me first for skype!
Yours sincerely,
Tejas Acharya.(Jyotish Ratna)
Push Right Corner Green button to have life changing reading!
Push Right Corner Green button to have life changing reading!

nashjones19:Tejas is co-operative, answers all your queries patiently and delivers the reading on time. It was quite a detailed one and addressed all the questions that he’s mentioned in the description. Thank you!
tejasacharya:Thank u so much dear. Have a great life ahead!!
ishankumar:Quick and Thorough! \n\nThank you.
tejasacharya:Thank you dear. Awesome person.
richlife70:An A++ experience!

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