I will cast a spell for you to be treated like royalty

I have been casting spells and practicing the Craft with my Mentor who is a long practicing Witch of over 90 years old.She has taught me for many years now and our spells have been praised for their very successful results! We have been highly regarded in our local and global online metaphysical community This Royalty spell will be cast on you behalf to promote being treated VERY well by those around you!! Be treated like the Queen or King!! Be given the resprct and admiration you deserve! If you are tired on being treated as if you're secondary or unimportant, this is the spell for you!
danielamckay:Wonderful communication... I can’t wait to see the results x
missgeisha:i hope my bf sees results for his birthday
missgeisha:so much goodness
happyflower22:Thank you \u0026 looking forward to this
jayskull:thanks for your help

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