I will pull 1 Affirmation Card and 2 Tarot Cards from the Universal Rider Waite Tarot

js-gig-main-desc ">This will be an interpretation of the Tarot to bring forward any messages that the Universe would like for you to know or that you may need.
I am definitely not an expert Tarot reader, nor do I claim to have any sort of diving/psychic abilities. I work purely using my own intuition, my own feelings and the energies that I am picking up on, so use your own intuition and your own discretion, please.
I don't work with the Tarot to tell you what to do or what will come of a situation, only to identify the energies surrounding you and what energies need to be embraced or let go of in order to inspire and motivate you. It is here to give inspiration and to help you gain your own clarity, not to fill your expectations. It is here to help you hone in on your own insight and feelings, rather than having it foretold to you.
Be open to the messages and have some fun! The only reason something works is because you believe in it.
You will receive a direct link to your recorded reading in an "above" point of view video on Youtube.
Legal Disclaimer: These Interpretations are for entertainment purposes ONLY and DO NOT replace legal, financial, medical, psychological or other professional help.


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